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Monthly Archives: April 2007

Raindrops and mud

i’ve been working madly on my photo challenge for camera club for the month of may: a-photo-a-day for 7 days. myView full post »

…you call them kids….i call them mad-hatters!

had loads of fun outside today. enjoying the last days of summer. i don’t do winter well, so i’m milking itView full post »

bricks and mortar ad being nekkid

i keep forgetting we have neighbours behind us now – they’ve only just built a cluster complex there. it&#View full post »

my boy, salads and more

…and then there’s my little man. my gorgeous, soulful, selfless, deep, boisterous boy. who can’t goView full post »

a snap happy weekend

so i’m having a snap happy long weekend. it’s been a while. in between church and fun, fasting and feastingView full post »

small wonders

…never in a million years would i have dreamed that i would be so blessed with two beautiful children ~ jamieView full post »

so, here starts my blog! welcome to me and mine.just a spot to journal my life, my family and my photos…thanx forView full post »

…a little piece of me

so, here starts my blog! welcome to me and mine. just a spot to journal my life, my family and to share some photographsView full post »

f a c e b o o k
i n s p i r a t i o n s