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Monthly Archives: July 2008

The gorgeous Daniéle

just when i thought she couldn’t get more beautiful ~View full post »

More Greece pics

if you look closely at the background, you can see Turkey. that’s how close we are. it’s about a 25 minuteView full post »

I had some fabulous shoots this weekend

with the loveliest families. here’s some to share: isn’t this little guy just too gorgeous to NOT eat upView full post »

Just a couple more…

this and that ~ here and there …and here are just some snapshots of these edible two – aren’t theyView full post »

Can’t get enough

of looking back and reminiscing. thank goodness for photos which make the memories last forever. …and lest weView full post »

…and here are some more

can you see why i’m longing to return…?these were taken at the little harbour a few metres from our home.View full post »

We’re back!

we’re back from greece, and what a glorious, glorious time we had! W*O*W!! it was the *best* holiday we’veView full post »

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i n s p i r a t i o n s