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Monthly Archives: June 2007


yup…you did indeed read correctly…we had SNOW! ok, not enough to turn our little world into a winterView full post »


THAT’S what i turned today…another year older…and a whole bunch of grey hairs richer! i had a greatView full post »

…it’s been a while…

well, it’s been a while since my last post. raymond and i went away to a convention at the wild coast sun. what aView full post »

a true south african

yay! i became a true south african on tuesday night.just another mugging statistic. how exciting. how safe i feel livingView full post »

almost done….NOT!

so…amongst all the building going on at home, i’m actually living a little too….believe it or not. weView full post »

just life

so….things are REALLY hectic at home right now. what with all the renovations in full force. they’re doingView full post »

f a c e b o o k
i n s p i r a t i o n s