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Monthly Archives: November 2007

Just a few

i’ve been hectically busy of late: year end functions like you can’t believe! but FINALLY, i’m fins iView full post »

can you say HECTIC?

i’ve been hectically busy of late: year end functions like you can’t believe! so much food, i’m goingView full post »

More Bridesmaids

more from saturday’s shootView full post »

Beautiful Bridesmaids

I did a little bridesmaid shoot on Saturday of 7 bridesmaids. I’m still busy with them, but I thought I’dView full post »

A willing model

i’m struggling to get the hang of my new toy, so i know i need all the practice i can get. luckily jamie was onlyView full post »

Finding treasures

so…she was rummaging around my cupboard today, looking for hidden treasures, and she found one…another dressView full post »

Another baby nephew shoot

all i can say is: awwwwwww!he’s still such a content little chap.what a honey ~View full post »

It pays to wake up early

i woke up at the crack of dawn the other day (something totally unheard of for me) and couldn’t get back to sleepView full post »

Busy bodies

now here’s a busy little body! she wouldn’t stop long enough for me to snap away.she could easily win theView full post »

f a c e b o o k
i n s p i r a t i o n s