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Monthly Archives: September 2008

What an exciting time

in a young couple’s life…and how fortunate am I to experience it with them? even though it is only for anView full post »

Some of the kids

i haven’t taken pics of my own kids in a while, so i took these this morning.can’t decide which version iView full post »

More Greece pics

i’m not even close to finished with my Greece pics yet.i’ve kinda neglected them of late…View full post »

The gorgeous youngsters of today.

wOw! i love these girls.they’re beyond beautiful.View full post »

From bump to this…

i met him when he was just a bump…look at him now. he is sooo cute! and quite the little model he is!View full post »

My Digital Art entry

for camera club this month – i photoshopped tía’s side, to form the heart.kinda interesting, don’tView full post »

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