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Monthly Archives: September 2007

I’ve been busy!

had a fun day taking these today.View full post »

the pyjama run

darice! these are for you my friend…love and miss you madly…as always wynken, blynken and nod one night,View full post »

…whilst i’m at it

may as well share some photos of the type of work i don’t usually do. magazine covers for camera clubView full post »

amazing girl…

she’s *such* an amazing child folks have been away for 3 months. they arrived back from greece thisView full post »

I’m on a roll

i’ve been feeling much unispired of late, and i haven’t really done much in the way of photography, but iView full post »

**SpRiNg HaS SpRuNg**

gosh! IT’S HERE! finally! SPRING HAS ARRIVED! a moment much awaited in this household – erm…let’View full post »

f a c e b o o k
i n s p i r a t i o n s